Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday June 4

We have been told by physicians that had he not been in such superior shape, he probably could not have withstood resuscitation attempts and the resulting effects. Also, an EEG was performed to determine brain activity and he has some activity and shows signs of basic response. What this means is that he is steps above what is commonly referred to as being brain dead and there is some electrical activity. John remains in a coma and there is no definite time frame for when he might become conscious and we have been cautioned to remain hopeful and prayerful while also understanding that this process is unique to the individual and should be dealt with as such. When we met with the neurologist, he mentioned that John had made some progress from the day before and stressed the importance of this continued progress in order for John to regain consciousness. We were also told that the brain (and all other organs) requires oxygen to function and they don’t know if or how long his brain was deprived of oxygen throughout the numerous resuscitation attempts. They are waiting to give dialysis again until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. All of you are in our hearts and prayers, and in the hearts and prayers of many, many people who we have asked to add John and his family to their prayer lists.

    We love you all.

    Ron and Karen Rozelle
